Humanity is the architect of its own extinction.
Such intense emotions, ruined king. A meal to match my hungers.
All will drown beneath my lavender sea.
League of Legends - on Pentakill
Evolution is never gentle.
I am the voice of the silence.
I am all that is, and all that will ever be.
Hope is the armor of fools.
I was born knowing every joke in existence. They fail to move me.
Your threats mean nothing. I am beyond your comprehension.
All life will be repurposed. The void will live.
I am infinitely beyond you. A mind undivided by weakness or mercy.
The void desires an empress. I am the expression of that will.
For every city that falls, we build ten. For each life we take, a thousand void spawn.
You call us nothing, yet we are everything. Every place, every time... we are you.
Let my first steps mark the end of this world.
This world will not be forgotten. I will replace it - a child devouring its parent.
When the void first touched existence, both were changed forever.
My hunger is endless. It cannot be sated, and it will not be stopped.
Undisturbed, the void wanted nothing; now, we simply want.
My Runeterra will be beautiful.
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It's a Golden Nut. It's shiny and its price is totally justified. Don't overthink it, you need one! Purchase a Golden Nut today! (Warning: Ingestion is not recommended).
Satisfactory - Golden Nut