Protecting your dream… though your plan was wrong, you had the right idea. I always think only about what I've lost. But you think about what you can gain. I want to try that too.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Back Yi-jin: "You always lead me to do what's right and to a good place."
Na Hee-do: "That's my definition of our relationship. Also known as a rainbow. Wait, you said it wasn't a rainbow. You still haven't said what it was if not a rainbow."
Back Yi-jin: "Love. It's love. I love you, Hee-do. I don't need a rainbow."
Na Hee-do: "That's my definition of our relationship. Also known as a rainbow. Wait, you said it wasn't a rainbow. You still haven't said what it was if not a rainbow."
Back Yi-jin: "Love. It's love. I love you, Hee-do. I don't need a rainbow."
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 9
Your skills don't improve consistently but in steps. And when people hit a wall, they want to give up. Once they get past this corner, they'll improve exponentially, but they don't realize it. Why not? Because they think this will last forever.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 7
I heard that every tragedy in life is a comedy if you see it from afar.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 4
Those losses were blocks to build yourself stairs leading up. Think about it. Now you've got the highest staircase. Take your time to climb it and take whatever you want.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 4
I always think only about what I've lost. But you think about what you can gain. I want to try that too.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 1
At times you're sad as if the whole world's turned its back on you. But other times, you laugh your guts out. Our friendships are always excessive, we're helpless in the face of love, and our failures are passionate. Anxiety, grief, jokes, and smiles come together to form a strange and irregular shape. Perhaps we're currently standing at the center of our youths. I know how much your growing pains hurt. I understand.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 7
The times can easily take away your dream. Not just your dream. It can take away your money - and even your family. Sometimes, it takes all three at once.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 1
It's not a failure but just a hardship, Dad. This is the price to pay for once being much happier than the others. This kind of hardship is nothing compared to the happiness that I've enjoyed.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 10
Do you know what upsets me? That you care about a person's job and status. That you're ashamed of poverty. Your head is filled with that garbage. That's why you lie to your friends and do what you did today.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 6
Do you know what's good about not being an athlete? It's okay to get injured.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 2
I believe in gravity. The only thing I believe that will be constant in this world is gravity. I don't believe that anything stays the same forever. Because believing in something like that sets expectations for how things should turn out. However, gravity is constant regardless of any expectations. That's why I can believe only in gravity.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 4
Na Hee-do: "Why do you support me? My mom doesn't even support me."
Baek Yi-jin: "Because you give me anticipation. That's why I keep getting greedy."
Baek Yi-jin: "Because you give me anticipation. That's why I keep getting greedy."
When people do something bad, the imagination of adults and the imagination of minors are worlds apart.
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 1
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Nothing lasts forever. Everything is momentary. They all flow away. And that's not always a bad thing.
Na Hee-do in Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 10
It's a gamble to confess your feelings. You either get it all or lose it all.
It'll probably hurt if you lose it all. But what matters is that you've had it at one point.
Don't let down the ones who believe in you!
Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 6
Waiting, missing each other, and being disappointed. One person is always sorry and the other always gives up. Are you really okay with a relationship like that?
Every day can't be a tragedy just because you lose every day. It's easy to forget after you laugh. You have to forget in order to move on.
I don't get disappointed when my dreams don't come true. I'm used to losing and failing. That's called having mental fortitude.
Na Hee-do in Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 4
Waiting, then being let down, and eventually giving up. That's what I have been doing all my life. And you're making me do that again. I don't want that for my future, Yi-jin.
We have the strength to get back up again. So let's be as frustrated as we want when things are tough. Let's be as sad as we want. And let's get back up together. Even if we're not together, let's get back up together.
Na Hee-do in Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 5
I just realized why I'm not a good fencer. Controlling the distance between you and your opponent is the most important in fencing. I think I've failed at that.
Na Hee-do in Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 3
The stuff I have can't be lost. For example, my dream and admiration.
Na Hee-do in Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 1
From now on, when you hang out with me, you can be happy without them knowing.
The times took everything from you. You can't give up on happiness.
Na Hee-do in Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Na Hee-do: "The coach said the one who crushed my dream wasn't him but the times. What's so great about the times that it can crush my dream?"
Back Yi-jin: "The times can easily take away your dream. Not just your dream. It can take away your money and even your family. Sometimes, it takes all three at once."
Back Yi-jin: "The times can easily take away your dream. Not just your dream. It can take away your money and even your family. Sometimes, it takes all three at once."
Na Hee-do in Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Just like you supported me for no reason… it's my turn to support you. No matter where you are, I'll make sure my support reaches you. I'll go to reach you.
Live as an anchor who leads by example for society.
Na Hee-do in Twenty-Five Twenty-One - Staffel 1 Episode 1
My strategy is not to have a strategy.
We're lovers only during the good times, and a burden to each other in the bad times.
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
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