Zitate und Sprüche von Armadillo

Zitate und Sprüche von Armadillo

Entdecke die inspirierende Welt der Armadillo-Zitate und Sprüche! Lass dich von unseren Weisheiten verzaubern und finde deinen persönlichen Motivationsschub!

Wenn du sie persönlich siehst und "hallo" sagst, schwitzt du wie ein Kebab und starrst auf deine Schuhe, als würden dort Witze geschrieben stehen.

Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen

Wir säten, aber ernteten nie.
Wir sprachen uns zwar kaum persönlich, aber verbrachten Abende auf MSN, WhatsApps Urahnen, wodurch die Soziopathen Paare bilden konnten.
Ich kannte sie seit drei Sekunden und ich war bereits verliebt. Ich gebe es offen zu. Ich war so verliebt, dass ich dachte: "Weißt du was? Ich sage ihr nichts, denn wenn ich rede, sonst werde ich rot und sie hält mich für einen Versager."
After all, there were other clues that our lives had been built on rather shaky foundations. So we moved slowly because we thought that as long as you tore along the dotted line, life would take the right shape.
"Did you get laid?"
"You're a black belt at dodging life. Fifth dan."
"You should have played online poker."
"I don't know how to play. I would have ended up losing my grandma's house."
Il Principe Degli Sgambetti - The Prince Trip-You-Up
It was about this boy who was terrified of walking down the street, because there was a bully, who was known as the "Prince Trip-You-Up". But in the end, his mom reassured him by saying, that when they grow up, bullies stay idiots and he, on the other hand, will become a great scientist. The boy did grow up to become a great scientist. But the bully also grew up and become known as the "Blade King", because he stabbed people. And so the scientist continued to live in fear of him. The end.
Hier geht es nicht um Gut oder Böse, es geht um Macht - und wem es erlaubt ist, sie zu nutzen.
Lip: "Hey, whoa. You really think they deserve your hard-earned money for that service?"
Frank: "Dine and dash?"
Lip: "Bite and bolt."
Frank: "Eat it and beat it?"
Shameless - Staffel 3 Episode 12
What can I say, once you go white, you always stay tight. Hey, I think I just insulted myself.
Kevin Ball in Shameless - Staffel 3 Episode 12
Frank: "What did they get you for again?"
"Beat my ex-wife to death with a telephone."
Frank': "Cordless or landline?"
Frank Gallagher in Shameless - Staffel 3 Episode 12
Been sleeping in this car six years. Pissed, puked, jizzed in it. By law of bodily fluids, it's mine.
Shameless - Staffel 3 Episode 11
I have red hair, freckles and crooked teeth. I don't need any more character!
Debbie Gallagher in Shameless - Staffel 3 Episode 10
Debs, we need at least one person in this family to not turn cynical, and my money's been on you.
Phillip Gallagher in Shameless - Staffel 3 Episode 10

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