What is a pirate's favorite state?
Did you know Arkansas is in the Bible?
Noah looked out the Ark and saw.
Noah looked out the Ark and saw.
What did Tennessee?
Same thing Arkansas.
Same thing Arkansas.
Glück kann man nicht kaufen, aber einen Flug nach Arkansas - und das ist quasi das selbe.
They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a flight to Arkansas - and that's pretty much the same thing.
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Wir können nicht alles tun, aber wir müssen tun, was wir können.
We can't do everything, but we have to do, what we can do.
China versucht, das Internet zu zensieren. Viel Glück dabei! Das ist, als würde man versuchen, Wackelpudding an die Wand zu nageln.
Now there's no question China has been trying to crack down on the Internet. Good luck! That's sort of like trying to nail jello to the wall.
Bill Clinton - März 2000
Seit ich Präsident geworden bin, habe ich nicht mehr bei McDonald's gegessen.
I haven't eaten at a McDonald's since I became President.
Man kann dem Schwein Flügel verpassen, aber dadurch wird es nicht zum Adler.
You can put wings on a pig, but you don't make it an eagle.
I'm so sick of love songs, so tired of tears, so done with wishing, you were still here...
Ne-Yo - Sick Of Love Songs
6I'm already boss, I'm already fly
But if I'm a star, she is the sky
And when I feel like I'm on top
She give me reason to not stop
And though I'm hot
Together we burn it up
But if I'm a star, she is the sky
And when I feel like I'm on top
She give me reason to not stop
And though I'm hot
Together we burn it up
Ne-Yo - You Make Me Better
1In her own good land here she's been abused
She's been burned, dishonored, denied an' refused
And the government for which she stands
Has scandalized throughout the land
And she's getting thread bare, and she's wearin' thin
But she's in good shape, for the shape she's in
Cause she's been through the fire before
And I believe she can take a whole lot more
She's been burned, dishonored, denied an' refused
And the government for which she stands
Has scandalized throughout the land
And she's getting thread bare, and she's wearin' thin
But she's in good shape, for the shape she's in
Cause she's been through the fire before
And I believe she can take a whole lot more
Johnny Cash - Ragged Old Flag, Album: Ragged Old Flag
Of emotions, of love, of breakup, of love and hate and death and dying, mama, apple pie, and the whole thing. It covers a lot of territory, country music does.
Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight.
I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real.
Johnny Cash - Hurt
8And I've lost who I am
And I can't understand
Why my heart is so broken
Rejecting your love, without
Love gone wrong, lifeless words carry on
But I know, all I know, is that the end's beginning
Who I am from the start
Take me home to my heart
Let me go and I will run
I will not be silent
All this time spent in vain, wasted years, wasted gain
All is lost, hope remains, and this war's not over
There's a light, there's the sun
Taking all shattered ones
To the place we belong
And his love will conquer all
And I can't understand
Why my heart is so broken
Rejecting your love, without
Love gone wrong, lifeless words carry on
But I know, all I know, is that the end's beginning
Who I am from the start
Take me home to my heart
Let me go and I will run
I will not be silent
All this time spent in vain, wasted years, wasted gain
All is lost, hope remains, and this war's not over
There's a light, there's the sun
Taking all shattered ones
To the place we belong
And his love will conquer all
Trading Yesterday - Shattered, Album: More Than This
2Geld macht nicht glücklich, doch es gestattet uns, auf verhältnismäßig angenehme Weise unglücklich zu sein.
Nur weil Reporter etwas wieder und immer wieder sagen, wird es dadurch nicht wahr.
Just because reporters say something over and over and over again doesn't start to make it true.
Amerika braucht mehr Väter die eine aktive Rolle im Leben ihrer Kinder spielen.
America needs more fathers taking an active role in their children's lives.
Ich fühle mich geehrt Mr. Trump dabei zu helfen, Amerika wieder groß zu machen.
I'm honored to help Mr. Trump make America great again.
Gib mir einen Sohn, oh Herr, der stark genug ist um seine Schwächen zu kennen, und mutig genug um sich seiner Angst zu stellen, der sich stolz und unbeugsam der Niederlage stellt, und bescheiden und höflich beim Sieg.
Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.
Der Soldat betet am meisten von allen für den Frieden, denn er ist es der die Wunden und Narben des Krieges ertragen muss.
The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.
Alter macht den Körper faltig. Aufgeben macht die Seele faltig.
Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.
Duty, Honor, Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be.
Neben Eltern und Familien, stellen unsere Lehrer den größten Einfluss auf die Leben unserer Kinder dar.
Make no mistake about it: Next to parents and families, our teachers are the most important influence in our children's lives.
Glücksspiel ist der Kern von Nevadas Wirtschaft.
Gaming is the backbone of Nevada's economy.
Die Zeit vergeht so schnell, während man älter wird.
Time scoots along pretty fast when you grow up.
I know what's good for me. I can't play black or gray. I can't be a villain or anything close to one. I have to play white.
I just want to make pictures that are entertaining. I'll leave the scenery chewing to someone else.
I think any movie star who refuses autographs has a hell of a nerve.
Die Musik ist die Botschaft, die Botschaft ist die Musik. Das ist die Aufgabe, die der Herr mir gegeben hat - eine kleine Aufgabe namens Liebe und Glück.
The music is the message, the message is the music. So that's my little ministry that the Big Man upstairs gave to me - a little ministry called love and happiness.
Gott sagte zu mir, "Ich habe dir Musik gegeben, Al. Sing sie - alles davon!" Das habe ich gemacht.
God told me, "I gave you the music, Al. Sing the music I gave you - all the music." So I did.
Ich bin dankbar für jeden Moment.
I'm thankful for every moment.
Manche Leute glauben, dass Fairness durch die Achtung der Regeln entsteht. Ich bin einer davon.
Some people believe that fairness comes with obeying the rules. I'm one of those people.
Ich beende meine Karriere als ein Football Spieler, der an der University of Tennessee, bei den Colts und bei den Broncos gespielt hat und sich dafür sehr glücklich schätzt.
I'm retiring as a football player from the University of Tennessee who played for the Colts and the Broncos and was very lucky to have played for all of them.
Dante: "[seeing a Confederate flag] What? Are you serious?"
Lila: "Newsflash, we're in deep Texas."
Lila: "Newsflash, we're in deep Texas."
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 2022
California has officially announced that jaywalking is now no longer a crime. So congratulations to the Californians who like walking places. This is great news for the six of you.
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - Oktober 2022
Der größte Unterschied zwischen Hawaii und Alabama ist vermutlich, dass es hier keine Strände gibt. Aber davon abgesehen - die Leute sind sehr nett.
The biggest difference from Hawaii and Alabama would probably be there's no beaches. But other than that, the people are very nice.
Wer die Wildnis liebt, für den ist Alaska eines der schönsten Länder der Welt.
To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world.
Billy: "Hört mal Jungs, ich hab euch was Wichtiges zu sagen."
Archie: "Oh scheiße, Billy."
Sam: "Herz oder Krebs?"
Archie: "Prostata?"
Billy: "Warum denkt ihr gleich, dass jemand stirbt, wenn ihr 'nen Anruf kriegt?"
Sam: "Ich lebe in Florida, wenn ich 'nen Anruf kriege, stirbt normalerweise einer."
Billy: "Ich werde heiraten."
Archie: "Was, die Lady die halb so alt ist wie du?"
Billy: "Sie ist fast 32."
Archie: "Billy, ich hab 'ne Hemoride, die ist fast 32."
Billy: "Archie, hör auf. Wenn sie erstmal so alt ist wie ich jetzt, dann bin ich..."
Archie: "Tot. Dann bist du tot, Billy."
Archie: "Oh scheiße, Billy."
Sam: "Herz oder Krebs?"
Archie: "Prostata?"
Billy: "Warum denkt ihr gleich, dass jemand stirbt, wenn ihr 'nen Anruf kriegt?"
Sam: "Ich lebe in Florida, wenn ich 'nen Anruf kriege, stirbt normalerweise einer."
Billy: "Ich werde heiraten."
Archie: "Was, die Lady die halb so alt ist wie du?"
Billy: "Sie ist fast 32."
Archie: "Billy, ich hab 'ne Hemoride, die ist fast 32."
Billy: "Archie, hör auf. Wenn sie erstmal so alt ist wie ich jetzt, dann bin ich..."
Archie: "Tot. Dann bist du tot, Billy."
Archie in Last Vegas