Das Huhn oder das Ei? Eigentlich war ich zuerst.
The chicken or the egg? Actually, I came first.
A heart of ice cannot bleed.
League of Legends - Blackfrost Anivia
Behold my darkest power: laying an egg... uh... nope.
League of Legends - Blackfrost Anivia
Elise: "You're far from your flock, little bird."
Anivia: "A bird of prey hunts alone."
Anivia: "A bird of prey hunts alone."
The world must be saved from itself.
League of Legends - Blackfrost Anivia
Laying an egg isn't as easy as it looks.
The wind will howl, the stone will crumble and the world will freeze beneath my wings.
League of Legends - Blackfrost Anivia
Come mortal beings, bring your armies to my domain. All will perish in endless winter.
League of Legends - Blackfrost Anivia
Vrynna: "We'll take what we want. The rest, we'll burn."
Anivia: "Your scars speak of many long winters."
Anivia: "Your scars speak of many long winters."
Poor creatures, so confined by a single life.
The chill before the storm.
Life is corruption. Ice is purity.
League of Legends - Blackfrost Anivia
A beating heart holds violence within.
League of Legends - Blackfrost Anivia
A thousand lives will I give for the Freljord.
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Best way to the heart is between the ribs.
Pyke: "They all sink before they float."
Wolf: "Dead should stay dead!"
Lamb: "He will soon wish he had."
Wolf: "Dead should stay dead!"
Lamb: "He will soon wish he had."
Kalista: "We shall pierce their treasonous hearts!"
Lamb: "Betrayers make for worthy prey."
Lamb: "Betrayers make for worthy prey."
Soothsayer: "Wash away all that troubles you."
Wolf: "We are the troubles!"
Wolf: "We are the troubles!"
Jinx: "You build the VROOM VROOMs and I'll do the kachachaCHOOs."
Heimerdinger: "Ah, I see we're using technical terms."
Heimerdinger: "Ah, I see we're using technical terms."
Garen: "My heart and sword, for Demacia."
Jinx: "My blarg and bloof for bablafia."
Jinx: "My blarg and bloof for bablafia."
Malphite: "The girl always beats me. I must learn her powers."
Taliyah: "Perhaps you should choose Scissors, Malphite."
Taliyah: "Perhaps you should choose Scissors, Malphite."
Hecarim: "The living will fall."
Wolf: "They always do!"
Lamb: "By arrow or by teeth."
Wolf: "They always do!"
Lamb: "By arrow or by teeth."
Darius: "Remember why you fight, brother."
Draven: "Blah blah Noxus, blah blah strength."
Draven: "Blah blah Noxus, blah blah strength."
Draven, der Ruhmreiche Scharfrichter in Legends of Runeterra - Primetime
1Taric: "Your arrogance is impressive."
Aurelion Sol: "It is the least impressive thing about me."
Aurelion Sol: "It is the least impressive thing about me."
In einer Welt ohne Liebe ist der Tod bedeutungslos.
In a world without love, death means nothing.
Lange bevor Schwerter und Zauberei nötig sind, können Worte eine Seele retten.
Long before blades and sorcery are needed, words... can save a soul.
Rhaast: "Der Meister beschwert sich nicht beim Werkzeug."
Kayn: "In diesem Fall mache ich eine Ausnahme."
Kayn: "In diesem Fall mache ich eine Ausnahme."
Rhaast: "A craftsman never blames his tools."
Kayn: "I will make an exception in this case."
Kayn: "I will make an exception in this case."
Der einzig wahre Tod ist nie gelebt zu haben.
The only true death is to never live.
Kindred, die ewigen Jäger in League of Legends - Lamm
2What's in my violin case? Violence.
Jinx, die Schießwütige in League of Legends - Crime City Jinx
Was riecht denn hier so? Oh, das bin ja ich.
What's that smell? Oh, it's me.
Liebe und Hass sind nur andere Wörter für Leidenschaft.
Hate and love are just two words for passion.
Wissen ist ein Paradox. Je mehr man letztendlich weiß, desto mehr versteht man das Ausmaß seiner eigenen Unwissenheit.
Knowledge is a paradox. The more one understands, the more one realizes the vastness of his ignorance.
Viktor, der Vorbote der Maschinen in Arcane - Staffel 2 Episode 6
Ich liebe meine Waffen wie meine Argumente, hieb- und stichfest.
I like my weapons how I like my music, heavy and metal.
Meine Bestimmung? Weißt du, jetzt wo ich darüber nachdenke... wollte ich immer schon ein Bäcker werden.
My profession? You know, now that I think of it... I always wanted to be a baker.
Nur die Sieger schreiben Geschichte. Zeit für unser eigenes Kapitel.
Victors are the sole authors of history. Time to write our chapter.
Halte einen Mann lang genug klein und die Gosse wird sein Königreich.
Keep a man down long enough, and the gutter becomes his kingdom.
Hallo, ist hier irgendwo ein Arzt? Ich frage für meine Gegner.
Hey, is there a doctor on hand? Asking for my opponents.
Sorry Jungs, die flauschigen Handschellen liegen zuhause.
Sorry boys, I keep the fuzzy cuffs at home.
Nice glove, Ezreal, maybe you can use it to pick yourself up after the game.
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Es gibt keine Schatten ohne Licht, das sollte dir klar sein.
You know, you couldn't have shadows without light.
Der Schlüssel zur Unsterblichkeit? Nicht sterben!
The key to immortality? Not dying!
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