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Ich kam nach New York und in nur wenigen Stunden machte New York etwas mit mir: die Stadt erweckt Möglichkeiten. Hoffnung bricht aus.
The only obsession everyone wants: 'love.' People think that in falling in love they make themselves whole? The Platonic union of souls? I think otherwise. I think you're whole before you begin. And the love fractures you. You're whole, and then you're cracked open.
Everybody else is working to change, persuade, tempt and control them. The best readers come to fiction to be free of all that noise.
Literature takes a habit of mind that has disappeared. It requires silence, some form of isolation, and sustained concentration in the presence of an enigmatic thing.
Walk until the darkness is a memory, and you become the sun on the next traveler's horizon.
Kobe Bryant in Training Camp
1Humans had always been better at killing than any other living thing.
Dmitry Glukhovsky in Metro - 2033
"And what if there's nothing in there?"
"You die and there's nothing beyond that. Nothing. Nothing remains. Someone might remember you for a little while after but not for long."
"You die and there's nothing beyond that. Nothing. Nothing remains. Someone might remember you for a little while after but not for long."
Dmitry Glukhovsky in Metro - 2033
There's only one thing that can save a man from madness and that's uncertainty.
Dmitry Glukhovsky in Metro - 2033