We're devil hunters. They can be devils or fiends, but if they're handy, we should put them to work.
Chainsaw Man - Staffel 1
Everyone I worked with who became devil hunter for the paycheck all got killed by devils. The only ones still alive have a root in their conviction.
Chainsaw Man - Manga
Enemies are enemies… we're only using them. I have no intention of getting friendly with one.
Chainsaw Man - Manga
1It is true that the son of a b*tch is a troublemaker and nobody would be affected if he left. But he seeks to kill the Gun Devil... I can't kill the Gun Devil by myself. To kill him... I'll need the help of all the capable Devil Hunters I can to face him. Even if my life is shortened... I won't let Denji get killed!
Chainsaw Man - Manga
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I like humans. In the same way that humans are so fond of dogs. They're loyal, easily handled, clever and stupid. Just watching them is fun. And also, they love me.
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Everyone's got their own dreams. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you are gonna get in our way, then f*ck off!
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What, the old man never taught you? The prey must never trust what a hunter says!
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It must be nice having someone care enough to cry over you.
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If I rip you apart then that makes your dream worth less than touching boobs!
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I wish to use the Chainsaw Man in order to create the better world. Consider… death, war, hunger. There are many things in this world that would increase happiness upon removal.
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Devils can't lie! Only humans lie!
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I'm gonna take stuff just as seriously as you. So you can count on me bigtime.
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We'll be working together until death do us apart.
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If you're gonna kill me, just do it. I'm dead either way.
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If dreams do come true, I wanna hug a girl before I die.
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If there are devils I could be friends with, then yeah, I do cuz I don't have any friends.
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The Necessary Evil you speak of, is just an excuse to justify the evil things you do. Society has no need for that excuse. The nation regularly takes necessary evils and keeps them on a short leash.
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It's so great having an addiction. In this life, you need something to take the edge off.
Himeno in Chainsaw Man - Manga
All devils are born bearing a name. As that name becomes feared, the devil itself increases in power.
Makima in Chainsaw Man - Manga
I can forgive a certain level of absurdity if the looking are good enough.
Denji in Chainsaw Man - Manga
I'm the strongest devil hunter. So any devil that could beat me must be the strongest.
Captain Kishibe in Chainsaw Man - Manga
One such as you likely cannot comprehend the feelings I harbor towards cats.
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I can only get along with cats. I hate humans! It's just a devil's instinctual sort of hatred.
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I want you to live a normal life and die a normal death. Make my dreams come true for me!
Denji in Chainsaw Man - Manga
1One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
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