Man kann sich über jeden lustig machen, der unglücklich ist, man muss nur grausam genug sein.
Being gay was a bit like the Olympics: It disappeared in ancient times, and then they brought it back in the twentieth century.
Most people have a rope that ties them to someone, and that rope can be short or it can be long. (Be long. Belong. Get it?) You don't know how long, though. It's not your choice.
When you're unhappy, I guess everything in the world - reading, eating, sleeping - has something buried somewhere inside it that just makes you unhappier.
Telling me I can do anything I want is like pulling the plug out of the bath and then telling the water it can go anywhere it wants. Try it, and see what happens.
Hard is trying to rebuild yourself, piece by piece, with no instruction book, and no clue as to where all the important bits are supposed to go.
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I've committed to nothing... and that's just suicide by tiny, tiny increments.
I've been thinking with my guts since I was fourteen years old, and frankly speaking, between you and me, I have come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains.
It's a mystery of human chemistry and I don't understand it, some people, as far as their senses are concerned, just feel like home.
It's not what you like but what you are like that's important.
It's no wonder we're all such a mess, is it? We're like Tom Hanks in Big. Little boys and girls trapped in adult bodies and forced to get on with it.
My friends don't seem to be friends at all but people whose phone numbers I haven't lost.
People worry about kids playing with guns, and teenagers watching violent videos; we are scared that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands - literally thousands - of songs about broken hearts and rejection and pain and misery and loss.
That's why; he's worried about how his life is turning out, and he's lonely, and lonely people are the bitterest of them all.
It's brilliant, being depressed; you can behave as badly as you like.
I don't even feel as if I'm the center of my own world, so how am I supposed to feel as though I'm the center of anyone else's?
I lost the plot for a while then. And I lost the subplot, the script, the soundtrack, the intermission, my popcorn, the credits, and the exit sign.
Ich verliebte mich in den Fußball, wie ich mich später in Frauen verlieben sollte: plötzlich, unerklärlich, unkritisch und ohne einen Gedanken an den Schmerz und die Zerrissenheit zu verschwenden, die damit verbunden sein würden.
I fell in love with football as I was later to fall in love with women: suddenly, inexplicably, uncritically, giving no thought to the pain or disruption it would bring with it.
Aber es gibt eigentlich nur einen Skater, und der heißt Tony Hawk. Klar, es gibt nicht nur einen. Aber er ist DER SKATER schlechthin. Er ist die J.K. Rowling unter den Skatern, der BigMac, der iPod, die Xbox. Für mich gibt es nur eine Entschuldigung, Tony Hawk nicht zu kennen, nämlich dass man sich nicht für Skaten interessiert.
Nick Hornby in Slam
1Ich bin nicht schwul, obwohl ich es gerne wäre, bloß um Leute mit Schwulenparanoia zu ärgern.
I am not gay. Although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes.
Es gibt keinen Tod für den, der ihn nicht zu fürchten braucht.
There's no death for those who don't fear it.
Eifersucht ist eine Leidenschaft, die mit Eifer sucht, was Leiden schafft.
So ist es eben: Liebe plus Zeit minus Distanz gleich Hass.
It's the way it works: Love plus time minus distance equals hate.
Louis C. K. - 2017
1Erst wenn man genau weiß, wie die Enkel ausgefallen sind, kann man beurteilen, ob man seine Kinder gut erzogen hat.
Wenn du nur ein Buch in deinem Leben gelesen hast, würde ich dir empfehlen... dein verdammtes Maul zu halten.
If you only ever read one book in your life I highly recommend... keeping your f*cking mouth shut.
Banksy in Cut It Out
1Am Beginn einer Reise weiß niemand, was ihn erwartet. Man hat vielleicht eine vage Idee, dass der Weg steinig werden kann. Deswegen sind Neuanfänge so aufregend. Man weiß erst, was passiert, wenn man die ersten Schritte macht.
In the beginning of a jorney, no one knows what to expect. They might have a vague idea the road ahead could be rough. That's what makes new beginnings so exciting. You don't know what will happen until it's over.
Sam Gardner in Atypical - Staffel 4
2Sometimes I got so bored of trying to touch her breast that I would try to touch her between her legs. It was like trying to borrow a dollar, getting turned down, and asking for 50 grand instead.
Rob Gordon in High Fidelity
Walk until the darkness is a memory, and you become the sun on the next traveler's horizon.
Kobe Bryant in Training Camp