Zitate und Sprüche aus 21 Jump Street

Zitate und Sprüche aus 21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street ist eine US-amerikanische Filmkomödie aus dem Jahr 2012. Es handelt sich um die Kinoadaption der Fernsehserie 21 Jump Street – Tatort Klassenzimmer.

Captain Dickson: "New assignment. Since you two cowboys love to drink booze, smoke weed with kids, and f*ck anything with a big ass in jeans with low self-esteem, I'm gonna send you to a place where all that shit is allowed."
Jenko: "Oh, I love Disneyland!"
Captain Dickson: "You two sons of b*tches are going to college!"
Captain Dickson
Jenko: "Got a pound of coke."
Schmidt: "We are trying to show them a good time, not ruin their f*cking lives."
Jenko: "Pound of marijuana?"
Schmidt: "Best party ever!"
I really thought this job would have more car chases and explosions... and less homeless people doodooing everywhere.
Greg Jenko
If any of my officers are caught giving alcohol to minors, they'll find themselves in prison with a snorkel duct taped to their mouth, and me shitting down that snorkel!
Captain Dickson
Sanders: "You punched me because I'm gay?"
Jenko: "What? No, I... oh, come on. I punched him and... he turned out to be gay afterwards."
Greg Jenko
Chemistry's the one with the shapes and shit, right?
Greg Jenko
Dickson: "Don't f*ck no students, don't f*ck no teachers."
Schmidt: "Sir, I know we may look like a couple of lady-killers, but me and my partner will be super professional."
Dickson: "Clearly I wasn't talking to you, big-titties. You cherub-looking motherf*cker. I was talking to your partner, fake-ass Handsome McGee here. When I'm talking to him, I'm talking to him. When I say 'shut the f*ck up', I'm talking to you."
Captain Dickson
Liking comic books is popular, environmental awareness, being tolerant. If I was just born ten years later, I would have been the coolest person ever.
Morton Schmidt
Jenko: "You have the right to remain... an attorney."
Hardy: "Did you just say you have the right to be an attorney?"
Schmidt: "You do have the right to be an attorney if you want to."
You know what they do to handsome guy like me in prison. It rhymes with grape.
Eric Molson
They're teenagers, man. They're really stupid, so you should blend right in.
Captain Dickson
You are here because you some Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus lookin' motherf*ckers.
Captain Dickson
Dickson: "He's white, that means people actually give a shit."
Schmidt: "I would just like to say that I would give a shit if he were black."
Morton Schmidt
Jenko: "Where do we report to?"
Hardy: "Down on Jump Street. 37 Jump Street... wait, that doesn't sound right."
[about all the photos of him in his parents' house] It looks like I died in a car crash and you never got over me.
Morton Schmidt
Sir, if I have to suck someone's dick... I will, but I prefer not to.
Morton Schmidt
Annie Schmidt: "What kind of a sick animal draws an ejaculating penis into a 8-year-old's mouth?"
Greg Jenko: "It's arguably, like, an airplane throwing up."
Annie Schmidt: "You think I don't know that's a dick and balls? I know all about dick and balls! I partied with Robert Downey Jr. before he got sober, when he was really f*cked up and a lot of fun!"
You don't care about the environment? That's f*cked up, man!
Eric Molson
Get your... motherf*cking ass up when I'm talking to you! I know what ya'll thinking. Angry black Captain. It ain't nothing but a stupid stereotype. Well let me tell you something, I'm black, and I worked my ass off to become Captain, and sometimes I get angry. So suck a dick!
Captain Dickson
You never won't know what you can't achieve before you don't achieve it.
Mr. Gordon
We're like, in the end of "Die Hard" right now, only it's our actual life!
Morton Schmidt
Hey! stop f*cking with Korean Jesus! He ain't got time for your problems! He's busy... with Korean shit!
Captain Dickson

Zitate und Sprüche über 21 Jump Street

Alles, was wir je umgesetzt haben, wurde mit niedrigen Erwartungen bedacht. "Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen", schreckliche Idee. "21 Jump Street" als Film umzusetzen war eine schreckliche Idee. "The Lego Movie" klingt wie eine schreckliche Idee.

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Mit einem Eimer voller Legosteine kann man jede erdenkliche Geschichte erzählen. Man kann ein Flugzeug, einen Drachen, oder ein Piratenschiff bauen - alles, was man sich vorstellen kann.
Niedrige Erwartungen sind der Schlüssel zu einem glücklichen Leben.
Als Kinder auf dem Spielplatz haben wir uns darum gestritten, wer Han Solo sein durfte. Er ist einer der besten Charaktere, die je erschaffen wurden.
Du kannst deine Augen schließen vor den Dingen, die du nicht sehen willst. Aber du kannst nicht dein Herz vor den Dingen schließen, die du nicht fühlen willst.
Wenn du zwei Menschen zur gleichen Zeit liebst, dann entscheide dich für den Zweiten, denn wenn du den Ersten wirklich geliebt hättest, hättest du dich nicht in den Zweiten verliebt.
Lache so viel wie du atmen kannst und liebe so lange du lebst.
Meine Freunde halten mich für einen Irren. Aber das bin ich nicht. Ich bin nur so, wie sie wären, wenn sie nicht so viel Angst hätten.
Ich will nicht aufhören, Dinge interessant zu finden. Ich will nicht aufhören, zu lernen. Ich will eine komische Enzyklopädie verrückten Wissens sein.
Ernsthaftigkeit finde ich eher lächerlich.
Maybe you're not perfect, but you're willing to actually look at yourself and take some kind of accountability. That's a change. It might not mean that you can turn everything around, but I think there's something incredibly hopeful about that.
I love exploring the characters that I play, but the reason I sign on for something isn't the details of the story but the universal message.
I always wanted to be a film-maker when I was younger, not an actor. I was an eight-year-old who dreamed of being a writer on 'The Simpsons,' which was a weird dream to have. But I started taking acting classes as a way to learn how to direct actors and I sort of fell in love with it.
It's always better to shock people and change people's expectations than to give them exactly what they think you can do. It's not unexpected for me to be in a comedy film anymore; I'm no longer the underdog in that world. Not that I'm great or good at it or anything, it's just that I've done a bunch of them, so you're not shocked.
I've never had issues with popularity. I was always a popular guy... I've always had friends and loved ones and everything, so it wasn't like, 'Oh man, I gotta fill some void that was left by high school.' I had a great high-school experience.
All my friends were in college when I was making 'Superbad.' We were drinking beer and watching movies and eating pizza. It wasn't like I was going to nice restaurants or anything like that, and I lived like a frat guy. Eventually it was time to grow up, be healthy and be responsible. You can't live like a kid forever, you know?
Im Innern sind wir alle Nerds. Mir ist es egal, wie "cool" du bist.
Ich bin in Florida aufgewachsen, wo man, wenn man nicht gern getanzt hat, keine Mädchen abbekam.
Das Leben ist zu kurz, um die schönsten Dinge zu verpassen - zum Beispiel einen Double-Cheeseburger.
Ich bin dankbar für alle Weirdos da draußen, sie gehören zu den kreativsten.
Ich weiß sehr wenig über Schauspielerei. Ich bin einfach nur ein extrem guter Faker.
Mein Traum war es, meiner Heimat zu helfen. Eine kleine Insel, versteckt unter dem A von Atlantik, namens Affenfels. Wir waren für unsere Sardinen berühmt. Bis eines Tages die Baby Brent Sardinenfabrik ihre Tore schloss, gleich nachdem jeder auf der Welt eins bemerkt hatte... Sardinen sind super eklig.
Habe nun, ach! Philosophie,
Juristerei und Medizin,
Und leider auch Theologie!
Durchaus studiert, mit heißem Bemühn,
Da steh ich nun, ich armer Tor!
Und bin so klug als wie zuvor.
Disneyland ist nicht nur für Kinder. Wann hört ein Mensch auf ein Kind zu sein? Schwindet das Kind jemals endgültig in einem Erwachsenen?
Kraut ist das Heilmittel der Nation, Alkohol die Zerstörung.
Ich nehme zehn bis fünfzehn Quaaludes am Tag, für meine "Rückenschmerzen", Aperol für die Konzentration, Xanax gegen den Stress, Pot zum runterkommen, Kokain damit ich schnell wieder wach werde und Morphium.....naja, weil's so geil ist.
Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street

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